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Mueblerias West Elm en San Juan, Puerto Rico

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Since it launched in Brooklyn, NY in 2002, west elm has been helping customers express their personal style at home. Our mission is three-fold: 1) we offer CHOICE in our products and services, helping customers create a home that tells their story, 2) we build COMMUNITY with customers, collaborators and associates, connecting like-minded strangers through inspiration, conversation, events and activities, and 3) we focus on CONSCIOUSNESS and honest business practices in everything we do, from handcrafted and local products to supply chain transparency + sustainability.
On customers can find the latest collections, helpful design tips and tools, videos and information about current collaborations. On the West Elm blog, Front & Main, and in communities on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram, customers can find additional information and style inspiration, as well as tag #mywestelm and share photos of their homes, inspiring one another and discovering new ways to express their personal style.
We love hearing from our fans and only ask that you respect each other on our Facebook page. We encourage you to post photos of your spaces, questions, suggestions, and advice. However, west elm does not endorse or take responsibility for the accuracy of information, opinions, claims, or advice shared on our page by west elm fans.
We reserve the right to moderate posts and comments for any reason and to block you from posting on the page if your posts contain any of the following types of content:• Obscenities, discriminatory or derogatory language, or other language not suitable for a public forum • Advertisements, “spam” content, phishing content or references to other products, offers, or websites • Any content or materials that you do not own, or for which you have not secured all necessary rights • Email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, or other forms of contact information

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