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Turismo Buceo Scuba / Snorkeling

Pure Adventure Ceiba, Puerto Rico en Ceiba, Puerto Rico

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Welcome divers, snorkelers and kayakers! Let us take you to stunning beaches with crystal clear waters for snorkeling and diving, or secluded, hidden-away bird sanctuaries in mangrove lined lagoons. And for the truly adventurous, the glowing waters of Bio Bay Laguna Grande, Fajardo, Puerto Rico or come aboard our dive boat and go SCUBA Diving off the coasts of Vieques and Culebra Islands. We have an exciting adventure tour for everyone, regardless of age or skill level.
My name is Carlos and my wife and partner’s name is Yolanda.

We are two young Marine Biologists in love with our Island, Puerto Rico and we hope to share with you the natural beauty of its shores and surrounding waters. We have designed a series of aquatic eco-excursions so that visitors (and locals) to our “Isla del Encanto” can experience for themselves the incredible variety of animal and plant-life that these very special and fragile, tropical ecosystems support.
As our guest, you become a Pure Adventurer, because the beaches we visit, the lagoons that we kayak, the bioluminescent waters that we explore and the seas where we snorkel and dive are all pristine, relatively untouched environments. We know that you will be amazed and delighted by your adventure and that it is our hope that you take home with you a newfound conviction of how incredibly important it is that we protect our earth’s natural resources so that our children and generations to come can enjoy and appreciate what we have today.
There are only four (Bio bay) bioluminescent bays and one lagoon in existence on Earth! Very few people, even Puerto Ricans, are aware of our little known, bioluminescent lagoon. Pure Adventure provides a unique opportunity to visit and actually kayak in the “Bio-Lagoon” known as “Laguna Grande”. This lagoon is the best place to appreciate this phenomenon, being a closed environment, allowing the microorganisms to flourish in bigger concentrations! This glowing effect can be appreciated at any given night.
EXPLORE THE BEST OF CULEBRA ISLAND…FLAMENCO BEACH! A worldwide attraction known for its white sandy beach and crystal clear, shallow waters – great for smaller children to snorkel and join in the fun! Flamenco Beach is considered by many as one of the Top Ten beaches in the world, making Flamenco Beach a top priority among visitors to Puerto Rico.
THE FAVORITE SNORKELING DESTINATION in Puerto Rico is the Island of Vieques, with crystal clear waters, colorful reef formations, breath-taking marine life and away from the crowds! 21 miles long by 8 miles wide, this beautiful Island is ringed by secluded beaches with limited access (only by boat)
Away from the crowds means that the reef formations are unspoiled, the beaches are pristine and the sea life is truly the best that Puerto Rico has to offer. Remember, for over half a century the Island of Vieques and surrounding waters were off limits to the public during the active naval military presence.
Today the area is under the guidance and protection of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service meaning that access is limited and overfishing is controlled making Vieques the best place for snorkeling and diving!
Come and enjoy the best Snorkeling and Cruise Tour in Puerto Rico! Why…because you and your party have the vessel “Happy Hour” all to yourselves! Your own private boat!
Join us in an extraordinary underwater SCUBA diving tour & excursion in Puerto Rico and feel the excitement of diving the reefs off Puerto Rico’s eastern coast and Vieques Island.
Our 46 ft dive vessel, the “Fish Tank” takes you to the most amazing dive spots in the Fajardo Sound area including Vieques and Culebra Islands as well as the waters off Ceiba and Humacao. Dive and explore the Caribbean Sea’s unspoiled marine life, teeming with lobsters, stingrays, corals, turtles and lots of tropical fish.
Experience the underwater world for the first time by SCUBA diving on a reef of tropical coral and colorful fish at safe depths from 15ft to 30ft. Before the dive, and as a safety requirement, there will be a brief introduction to the basic concepts and skills for diving. The lessons will be taught at the beach Vieques Island, Puerto Rico.
Once the diving instructor’s lessons are finished Departing from the Roosevelt Roads Marina on the main island of Puerto Rico at 1:30pm to Vieques, the first stop will be a beautiful beach on Vieques were you will be taking your first dive lesson.
The Pure Adventure Snorkel and Dive Center is located in the Marina of the old Roosevelt Roads Naval Base in the municipality of Ceiba. The surrounding area of over 3,000 acres has everything any nature lover would want — bird watching, beaches, reef for snorkeling, wetlands and Mangrove forests. Plus there are significant pre-Columbian archaeological sites in the area such as the “Piedra del Indio” (Indian Rock) located on the eastern-most tip of Puerto Rico Because of our location the best snorkeling and SCUBA Diving spots, including uninhabited cays, beautiful beaches and the Island of Vieques are just short boat rides away.
Bienvenidos buceadores y kayakeros! Permítanos llevarle a las impresionantes playas con aguas cristalinas para el buceo, el snorkeling o refugios de aves aislados y escondidas en las lagunas de manglares. Y para los verdaderamente aventureros están las aguas resplandecientes de Bio Bay Laguna Grande en Fajardo, Puerto Rico o venir a bordo de nuestro barco de buceo en las costas de Vieques y Islas Culebra. Tenemos una gira de aventuras emocionantes para todos, independientemente de la edad o nivel de habilidad.
Mi nombre es Carlos el nombre mi pareja es Yolanda. Somos dos jóvenes Biólogos Marinos enamorados de nuestra Isla Puerto Rico y esperamos compartir con ustedes la belleza natural de sus costas y aguas circundantes. Hemos diseñado una serie de excursiones ecológicas acuáticas para que los visitantes (o isleños) de nuestra Isla del Encanto puedan experimentar por sí mismos la increíble variedad de vida animal y vegetal que soportan estos ecosistemas tropicales muy especiales y frágiles.
Como huésped, se convierte en un Pure Adventurer, porque las playas que visitamos, las lagunas que kayacamos, las aguas bioluminiscentes que exploramos y los mares donde buceamos son ambientes vírgenes, relativamente intactos. Sabemos que usted se sorprenderá y encantará por su aventura y que es nuestra esperanza que usted lleve a casa una nueva convicción de lo increíblemente importante que es proteger los recursos naturales de nuestra tierra para que nuestros hijos y las generaciones venideras puedan disfrutar y apreciar lo que tenemos hoy.
El Centro de Buceo y Buceo de Pure Adventurer está ubicado en la Marina de la antigua Base Naval Roosevelt Roads en el municipio de Ceiba. El área circundante de más de 3,000 hectáreas tiene todo lo que cualquier amante de la naturaleza quisiera – observación de aves, playas, arrecife para bucear, humedales y bosques de manglares. Además, existen importantes sitios arqueológicos precolombinos en la zona como la Piedra del Indio ubicada en la punta más oriental de Puerto Rico. Debido a nuestra ubicación, los mejores lugares para practicar snorkeling y buceo, incluyendo cayos deshabitados, Hermosas playas y la isla de Vieques están a pocos paseos en barco.
EXPLORE LO MEJOR DE LA ISLA DE CULEBRA … FLAMENCO BEACH! Una atracción mundial conocida por su playa de arena blanca y cristalinas aguas poco profundas – ideal para niños pequeños para bucear y unirse a la diversión! Flamenco Beach es considerada por muchos como una de las diez mejores playas del mundo, convirtiendo a Flamenco Beach en una prioridad entre los visitantes a Puerto Rico.
EL DESTINO FAVORITO DE SNORKELING en Puerto Rico es la Isla de Vieques, con aguas cristalinas, formaciones coloridas de arrecifes, vida marina impresionante y lejos de las multitudes! 21 millas de largo por 8 millas de ancho, esta hermosa isla está rodeada de playas aisladas con acceso limitado (sólo en barco)
Únase a nosotros en un extraordinario paseo subacuático de buceo y excursión en Puerto Rico, siente la emoción de bucear los arrecifes de la costa oriental de Puerto Rico y la isla de Vieques.
Experimente el mundo submarino por primera vez por el buceo en un arrecife de coral tropical y peces de colores a profundidades seguras de 15 pies a 30 pies. Antes de la inmersión, como requisito de seguridad habrá una breve introducción a los conceptos básicos y habilidades para el buceo. Las lecciones se impartirán en la playa Isla Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Una vez terminadas las clases del instructor de buceo Saliendo de Roosevelt Roads Marina en la isla principal de Puerto Rico a la 1:30pm a Vieques, la primera parada será una hermosa playa en Vieques donde tomarás tu primera lección de buceo.